As a real estate professional who is in the business of helping home buyers in Southern California locate and purchase homes, I am often asked if it’s possible to find out the background of a property being considered by a potential buyer. The simple answer is “yes.” For many years, the industry has used technology to get to know buyers, sellers, and communities. In fact, the “Google map” have been around long enough to establish credibility for many areas.
The most commonly used technology by cash home buyers las vegas is: Google Maps, Google Fiber, WordPress, Facebook APIs, Zagat. It would be an understatement to say that the information about selling in Las Vegas is vast. I would give you hundreds if not thousands of resources. There are a few exceptions to the rule where there is a seller with a Facebook account. But, even those few exceptions need to be examined more closely.
You see, for houses that have “for sale by owner” on their signs are not priced by a real estate agent, they are priced by the seller. When it comes to these types of houses, the seller knows all of the details about the houses including any inspections, repair costs, and closing costs. They are the best source for information. That is why they are the only source for such prices and why they must be priced by the seller to qualify for a “For Sale By Owner” sticker on homes in Las Vegas.
In most cases, people looking for a “For Sale By Owner” home in Las Vegas will also go through a Realtor. A Realtor represents a single individual or a group of individuals. They do not work for the seller, they work for the buyer. When they find a house quickly in Las Vegas for cash offer prices that are much lower than what they could find through a listing with a real estate agent, the agent’s commission is usually not enough to offset the difference. This means that cash home buyers las Vegas who use an agent are often paying hundreds, if not thousands of dollars more for their houses than what they would pay for them if they had simply gone through a Realtor.
Why do so many cash home buyers las Vegas choose to avoid using a real estate agent? Because they don’t have one. They are not required to use one and they do not want to. They feel as though using a real estate agent would be a hassle and a distraction. They don’t want to deal with anything like that when they can go through the process of buying houses in las Vegas without any hassles or distractions.
It is in the best interest of cash home buyers las Vegas to purchase their house quickly in order to avoid paying outrageous commission fees to a real estate agent. Purchasing a house quickly is the only way to assure that you will be saving as much money as possible. Buying a house quickly makes it possible to move into your new home in las Vegas in as little time as possible and to avoid paying outrageous commission fees.
Real Estate Agents: Why Cash Home Buyers Must Avoid Using A Realtor